About Us

Epilepsy Advocacy Network works to optimize the life of individuals with epilepsy and seizure disorders by promoting community education and awareness, self-advocacy and empowerment, and help for all individuals to gain access to proper care.
We have coordinators throughout 60 counties in Central and Northwestern Illinois. Get connected to our services today. Find your coordinator here.
Learn more about our work. View our latest annual report here.
We are a proud member organization of the Epilepsy Alliance of America. EAA is a nation-wide network of community-based epilepsy organizations with a mission to provide direct support to people with epilepsy and the people who care for them. Members of the EAA have been collectively supporting people with epilepsy through support services, information, education, advocacy, and public awareness. As a result, the Alliance provides real epilepsy help to approximately 1 million Americans living with epilepsy throughout the United States. The EAA website is a great place to find additional epilepsy education and resources. Visit www.epilepsyallianceamerica.org.